Typora 支持用 Markdown 的方式来“画”流程图。
流程图 mermaid.initialize({startOnLoad:true}); graph LR; A[Hard edge] --|Link text| B(Round edge) B -- C{Decision} C --|One| D[Result one] C --|Two| E[Result two] 序列图 mermaid.initialize({startOnLoad:true}); sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice-John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John-John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts prevail... John--Alice: Great! John-Bob: How about you? Bob--John: Jolly good! 甘特图 mermaid.initialize({startOnLoad:true}); gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d section Critical tasks Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d Future task in critical line :crit, 5d Create tests for renderer :2d Add to mermaid :1d 参考 https://support.
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